Cashmere sweaters

Cashmere knitwear feels soft against the skin and adapts to different seasons. Its lightweight yet warming texture makes it a versatile choice for everyday wear and more sophisticated outfits. The high-quality material retains its shape and is durable.

100 % kashmirista valmistettu Twin set -neuletakki värissä Greige
Lähikuva Twin set -kashmirneuletakista värissä Greige

Twin set cashmere cardigan

Regular price 365€
Regular price Sale price 365€
Lyhythihainen neulepaita greige sekä ruskeat satiinihousut
Short-sleeved cashmere sweater, Greige

Short-sleeved cashmere sweater

Regular price 295€
Regular price Sale price 295€
Laadukas kashmirmekko ja dark navy villatakki
Laadukas neuletakki, tummansininen kashmir, neulemekko

Twin set cashmere cardigan
Dark navy

Regular price 365€
Regular price Sale price 365€
Ruskeat satiinihousut triasetaatista, laadukas kashmir neuletakki
Ruskea neuletakki sekä silkkiset triasetaattihousut

Twin set cashmere cardigan
Dark chocolate

Regular price 365€
Regular price Sale price 365€
Lyhythihainen ruskea neule, silkkihame
Short-sleeved cashmere sweater, Dark chocolate

Short-sleeved cashmere sweater
Dark chocolate

Regular price 295€
Regular price Sale price 295€
Long-sleeved cashmere sweater, Greige
Long-sleeved cashmere sweater, Greige

Long-sleeved cashmere sweater

Regular price 350€
Regular price Sale price 350€
Available in Greige Greige
Tummansininen lyhythihainen neule sekä midihame
Short-sleeved cashmere sweater, Dark navy

Short-sleeved cashmere sweater
Dark navy

Regular price 295€
Regular price Sale price 295€
Siniset satiinihousut sekä alpakkaneule valkoisen paitapuseron kanssa
Valkoinen naisten kauluspaita tummansinisen alpakkaneuleen sekä tummansinisten satiinihousujen kanssa

Long-sleeved cashmere sweater
Dark navy

Regular price 350€
Regular price Sale price 350€
Available in Dark navy Dark navy
Kashmir vest with V-opening, Dark navy
Kashmir vest with V-opening, Dark navy

Kashmir vest with V-opening
Dark navy

Regular price 240€
Regular price Sale price 240€
Available in Dark navy Dark navy
Cashmere V-neck vest, Greige
Cashmere V-neck vest, Greige

Cashmere V-neck vest

Regular price 240€
Regular price Sale price 240€
Available in Greige Greige
Satiinihame, triasetaatti-satiini, kashmir neuletakki
Valkoinen neuletakki kashmirista sekä valkoinen triasetaattihame

Twin set cashmere cardigan

Regular price 365€
Regular price Sale price 365€
Beige naisten kashmirneule sekä satiinihousut
Valkoiset triasetaattihousut sekä hihaton naisten toppi

Short-sleeved cashmere sweater
Dark chocolate

Regular price 240€
Regular price Sale price 240€
Available in Greige Greige
Pitkä hame sekä valkoinen naisten toppi
Kerman värinen kashmirtoppi sekä leveähelmainen beige hame

Short-sleeved cashmere sweater
Dark chocolate

Regular price 240€
Regular price Sale price 240€
Available in Cream Cream
Kestävä kashmir neuletakki sekä triasetaatti midihame, dark chocolate
Naisten triasetaatti hameet sekä kashmirneuleet, ruskeassa sävyssä

Short-sleeved cashmere cardigan
Dark chocolate

Regular price 325€
Regular price Sale price 325€
Laadukas kashmirneuletakki, lämmin kashmirhame
Laadukas naisten neulepaita sekä pehmeä polvipituinen hame

Short-sleeved cashmere cardigan

Regular price 325€
Regular price Sale price 325€
Naisten kashmir neulepusero sekä neuletakki
Naisten laadukkaat kashmirneuleet, lyhythihainen greige

Short-sleeved cashmere cardigan

Regular price 325€
Regular price Sale price 325€

The versatility of cashmere knitwear

Cashmere sweaters adapt effortlessly to different styles and occasions. They can be combined with a casual everyday outfit or as part of a sophisticated ensemble. For example, a cashmere sweater works well with jeans to create a casual yet stylish look, while paired with a skirt or straight trousers it is perfect for an office environment.

Cashmere sweaters are also ideal for layering. You can layer a sweater over a shirt or wear it under a blazer, adding depth and interest to an outfit. Cashmere's breathability and thermal properties make it a suitable choice all year round.

How to choose the right cashmere sweater for different occasions?

When choosing a cashmere sweater, it is important to consider the occasion and desired style.Business casualFor example, a solid-colored cashmere sweater paired with straight-leg pants or a skirt is a good choice for dressing up. This creates a professional yet casual look that works in a work environment.

Smart casual-style cashmere sweaters can be combined with chinos or jeans, for example, and added with accessories to add personality. By choosing different colors and designs, such as v-neck or round neck, you can adapt the sweater to different situations and preferences.

Combining cashmere knitwear with other materials

Cashmere sweaters can be combined with many other materials to create interesting contrasts and textures. For example, combining a cashmere sweater with a satin skirt creates an elegant ensemble, especially suitable for formal occasions.

For everyday wear, cashmere knitwear works well with cotton shirts or pants, providing comfort and relaxation. In addition, combining cashmere knitwear with leather accessories, such as a belt or bag, brings a modern look to the outfit.

Cashmere knitwear from Original Story's online store

Original Story offers a wide range of high-quality cashmere knitwear designed to last and last. Also check out other knitwear, such as alpaca knitwear, which offers options in different materials. In our selection you will also find high-qualityknitwearfor different needs. Whether you are looking for a classic cashmere sweater orlong cardigan, you will definitely find a suitable option.